When pondering ideas for my monthly blog, I couldn’t quite hear my thoughts over the throbbing in my legs after yet another solid day of training. I suddenly had an idea; why not share some of my recovery tips with some of our most valued followers? Now, I must warn readers, I am no exercise physiologist. I can’t be sure if said tips are scientifically certified and I predict they have altered slightly from the original teachings of my past (or current) physical advisors, however they seem to work for me. Have a look and see what you think:
Nettie’s Top Six Uncertified Tips for the Sore-Legged or Physically Exhausted
Number 1: Protein. The cheapest and most effective way of recovering. Aim to get around 20g of protein in, straight after a hard or long session. If you can’t get a meal in within 30minutes of your ride, I suggest investing in some protein powder to get it in straight away. This makes sure your muscles can immediately start to repair themselves, helping you bounce back the following day.
Number 2: Food on the bike. A lot of people simply forget to eat, or try to lose weight by not eating on the bike. It’s important to keep your food intake up to feed those muscles so you’re not in deficit going into the following day. You’re better off fuelling up around and during your sessions, then cutting back off the bike.
Number 3: Sleep. The answer to everything. Recover as much as you can, when you can. “Why stand when you can sit, why sit when you can lay down, why lay down when you can sleep?” Sleep, or try to relax whenever you can get the chance.
Number 4: Compressions. There are so many companies who make compressions, just like WiggleHigh5 sponsor, Skins. Get yourself a tight pair, and pop them on straight after a solid session. I really do feel like the extra compression helps the blood flow and helps start to relieve tired, aching muscles.
Number 5: Massage. If you can access a massage once a week, go for it. It definitely can help relieve those tight spots after a hard few days. If you can’t get a massage, perhaps try and self massage those tight spots, by using your hands, a foam roller or even two tennis balls tied together.
Number 6: Ice. This is each individual’s choice. I definitely feel ice-baths help me ‘freshen up’ (yes, I went there) when my legs are fatigued. You can make your own at home by freezing bottles in the freezer and popping them in a cold bath. If you don’t have a bath, you could always use a wheelie-bin, just like my brother did in our bathroom, a few years ago! 10 minutes should do the trick. If you have access to a warm bath/pool/shower, you can also try 2 minutes in the hot, 2 in the cold x3. Have a play around and see what works for you.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off for a protein shake in the icebath before I fall asleep in my skins..!
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
I get asked about my diet quite often and my answer is always the same; Everything in moderation. If you deprive yourself of something it can often end up backfiring and you can end up eating/drinking more of it than you would in the first place. Make sure you’re getting your fruit and veggies in, and treat yourself every now and then, in moderation. I also feel that timing vs portion size has become a bit of an issue in some countries, including Australia. Dinner seems to have become the main meal of the day, and whilst I’m no nutritionist, it seems to make more sense to bump up your breakfast size, to fuel yourself for the day, as opposed to loading your dinner plate up with energy, only to sleep on it a few hours later. That’s why I completely agree with the phrase, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.
Everyone has their preference when it comes to breakfast. Some of my teammates opt for poached eggs on toast whilst my dad opts for fruit and yogurt. As long as there is a protein element involved, you will notice you’ll stay fuller for longer. For me, it’s all about oats and muesli with milk and yogurt. Now for an average female my size, 500 calories per main meal is a reasonable guide. However, as my training load increased over the years, my breakfast has too.
I didn’t realise just how much it had increased until I accidentally bought a box of oat sachets, which come in at around 30g. When I poured the dismal amount into my bowl, I then proceeded to pour in a second, and then a third. Today I decided to measure just how much I really eat as part of my morning routine. I have roughly:
100g oats
50g muesli/granola
100g Chobani yogurt
250ml milk
1 tsp honey
Now that all comes in at over 800 calories. Now I think that’s pretty impressive! My track teammate Bec Wiasak couldn’t believe it when I told her, which actually sparked my enthusiasm to write this blog. I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone, it’s about adjusting your intake to suit your daily needs. Everyone has different requirements, different metabolic rates and different activity levels. It’s about working out what’s right for you. If you need some guidance, I’d recommend chatting to your local nutritionist.