Distance: 102.6km
Moving Time: 3hr41min59sec
Average Speed: 27.7km/hr
Max Speed: 68.8km/hr
Elevation: 1523m
Average Heart Rate: 167bpm
Max Heart Rate: 194bpm
Calories: 2710

“I think I’ll play it safe and head back to the hotel!”
Today’s Tip: Rollers before breakfast. Why do I do this? Well as an athlete I’d do it on race day to elevate the heart rate and wake myself up for a race (30mins) however I now do it (20mins) quite regularly as a weight control exercise. Not to burn calories but to increase the metabolism before breakfast. I often eat a large breakfast (it’s habit) and it’s nice to put the body into action before eating. After breakfast I head out for a ride. My 20 minute spin normally looks like this:
10min – Slowly increasing the cadence and heart rate.
5min – 110 cadence but every minute, increasing the load by dropping through the gears…. Starting on the 15 tooth cog and finishing on the 11 cog.
5min – Warm down, easy spinning.
Today’s ride didn’t really go to plan. I was hoping to do a long slow ride but I got a bit excited early in the ride and paid for it a bit later.
When I arrived at the turn off to Sa Calobra it was decision time, I had just received a business related message that was playing on my mind and a part of me wanted to head back to the hotel to deal with it, plus, I had tired legs …. Do I attempt the drop down to Sa Calobra and climb out with the tired legs, do I continue across to Soller or, do I head home?
Sa Calobra is definitely a climb I’d enjoy more on a good day, with strong legs! At that moment I felt that I wanted to head back to the hotel at Puerto de Alcudia and off I went! Then, when I passed my hotel and I felt I wanted to ride more! I set out in the opposite direction towards Arta but after 5km’s I turned back towards the hotel again ?
The mind of a women!
In the end I finished with just over 100km, a darker suntan and some cool personal records on Strava.
Perhaps my tip for the day should have been; Don’t check your messages while out on a stunning ride…. It could be something that plays on your mind for the rest of the ride!
What did I consume on today’s ride?
1 x 750ml High5 Energy Source – Summer Fruits (first hour)
1 x 750ml High5 Zero – Tropical (middle of ride)
1 x 500ml High5 Energy Source – SummerFruits (last 45min)
1 x High5 Sports Bar – Berry (55km into ride)
Now, I’m sitting by the pool about to start motoring through emails.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog!
Strava Data: https://www.strava.com/activities/566155441