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The Peloton Cafe’s Cyclist Psyche – Lauren Kitchen

The Peloton Cafe has something new for the 2013 season. It is their Cyclists Psyche survey. A standard interview about a riders form and target races will get you a standard answer. Only here you will find out what type of dinosaur a rider is, and what they will do to someone who scratches their bike!

Today Wiggle Honda’s Lauren Kitchen!

Name: Lauren Kitchen
Team: Wiggle Honda
Riding Role: Domestique, opportunitst
Age: 22
Weight: 60kgs


How would people describe you as a cyclist?
A reliable team member, how enjoys every type of racing with the team and like to know all the small details

How would someone who likes you describe you as a person?
I would describe myself as a hardworking person who is always looking for a challenge. I enjoy spending time with my family at home in the Netherlands and also back in Australia over the Australian summer. To find out what other people think of me you will have to ask them!

What are the 3 things more important to you than anything else?
Family and friends and food

Lauren Kitchen

You end up replacing Tom Hanks in ‘Castaway’ on an Island for 4 years. What are the 3 things you take with you and why?
If I was in a situation like this I would take my computer, a good wifi source and my phone, cant live without being connected to the world in some way, but who can in 2013!

You can have dinner with anyone you want. Who would it be?
My family, love coming home after being away for a few days(Holland) or even the whole year(aus).

Someone scratches your newly arrived race bike. Do you:
a) Kill them
b) Kill them in an extremely creative way
c) Plan to kill them in an extremely creative way after getting close to them, researching their weaknesses and then striking when they least expect it
d) Tell them not to stress, it’s only a bike: the sponsors are paying for it


On a training ride do you:
a) Load up on coffee before you go
b) Load up on coffee before you go and during the ride
c) Load up on coffee before you go, during the ride and stop for more at the end at your favourite coffee haunt
d) WADA is following my caffeine levels closely so I can’t answer that question until after the findings are returned

You’re a dinosaur. Are you:
a) A Monstrous Quadrosaurous
b) A Skinnius Soclimbus
c) An Allroundus
d) A Helpus Everyonelseus

The phone rings at 6am. Do you :
a) Answer it immediately with a chirpy uplifting welcoming response
b) Answer it after it rings for a full minute with a chirpy uplifting welcoming response
c) Let the answering machine take the call for you
d) Answer it immediately so you can find out exactly who wants to ring you at this un-godly hour and then plan their ultimate demise


What’s more important to you:
a) Finishing household chores
b) Getting others to finish the household chores for you
c) Getting others to finish their household chores and then your household chores
d) Resting

What are you most opinionated about and why?
Food and cooking, I like food and cooking a lot, I like learning about new ways to prepare different dishes to best fuel myself and my family for each day. I am open to new ideas and options for what’s best for me and the people around me. I also like making good lasting long lasting food.

If you had the power to change one thing in the cycling world, what would it be?
More womens races along side mens, That way we have more coverage and the sport can grow with more sponsors and opportunities.


Who do you admire most and why?
I have a lot of people in my life that have helped me to where I am today and without each of them I wouldn’t be who I am today. My family and friends are the people I most admire and without them I’d be lost.

Who do you ‘have difficulties with and why?
I have difficulties with people who talk behind your back.

What do you want people to know about you?
I am from a small town of Port Macquarie in NSW, Australia, I am very proud to represent them on the world stage and I hope to put them on the map!

If you weren’t a cyclist what would you want to be?
I would be chasing different goals in another sport or enjoying traveling around the world in a more touristy way.

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