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Giorgia Bronzini Blog: Colnago Passion

Giorgia Bronzini Blog: Colnago Passion

Jul 31, 2016

Ciao Cari lettori, In questo mese d’ agosto vi parlerò del mezzo che mi accompagna tutti i giorni nel mio lavoro… La mia bicicletta Colnago! Da 3 anni a questa parte ho conosciuto e lavorato con molto piacere con questo brand e ho potuto condividere con Ernesto Colnago e i suoi collaboratori tante gioie! Mi ricordo che una delle prime volte in cui...

Emma Johansson Blog: Count Down!

Emma Johansson Blog: Count Down!

Jul 28, 2016

Today the Olympic RoadRace is exactually 2 weeks away. Preparations have been going well and form is on it’s way. Thuringen Rundfahrt was a perfect last race and I came out of that stage race feeling strong. So expectations are high for my last Olympic Games. I expect to be abel to do my absolut best and to be abel to dig deep. How far that will reach...

Brazil: Olympic Dreams and Sisters’ Rendezvous

Brazil: Olympic Dreams and Sisters’ Rendezvous

Jul 26, 2016

Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. 2016 Olympic Games. It has been all about the Olympic Games for me. After missing out on getting into medicine at University in July, 2010, I desperately wanted to make the Olympic Games. Two years later, I made it to London. I raced hard and came away with a bronze medal. This was great, but it left me wanting more. I therefore set my...

Anna Sanchis Blog: Le Tour

Anna Sanchis Blog: Le Tour

Jul 19, 2016

Seguro que muchos de los que leéis el blog estáis siguiendo muy de cerca “Le Tour”, la carrera más importante y más mediática dentro del deporte del ciclismo y más con todo el espectáculo que está dando este año, tanto deportiva como extradeportivamente. Con ello me estoy refiriendo al ataque sorpresa de Froome en bajada y su peculiar manera de...

Mayuko Hagiwara Blog: Team Player at the Giro Rosa

Mayuko Hagiwara Blog: Team Player at the Giro Rosa

Jul 15, 2016

After having made a return to the race from rehabilitation in the Japanese National Championships Road Race at the end of June, I travelled to Italy to participate Giro Rosa, which would last 10 days. In this year’s Giro, the team made magnificent results, winning four stages with Elisa achieving the Queen of Mountains jersey. On the other hand, Mara had a...

Audrey Cordon-Ragot Blog: Un mois = une de mes sortie préférée

Audrey Cordon-Ragot Blog: Un mois = une de mes sortie préférée

Jul 14, 2016

En cette période de vacances, je trouve sympa de vous faire partager quelques une de mes sorties vélo préférée en Bretagne et plus particulièrement en Centre Bretagne. Le Centre Bretagne offre une multitude de paysages et propose un panel de circuits vélo très varié. Pour ce mois de Juillet je vous emmène sur les bords du canal de Nantes à Brest, cours d’eau...

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